Announcement (2nd to the last before Release)

Hello everyone... Good day... 

Xy here... Again Very Sorry for the incredibly long delay (I feel shame ngl). I have been busy with my personal life with currently finding a job to able to sustain and continue my project. And also to earn some decent cash to buy myself an upgrade to my setup (Been rendering on a laptop).

I am doing a bit slow on progress now that I am already done rendering Ep2 with half of Ep3 (yes I am doing it thru Ep3 just to give myself a headstart soon) and currently rerendering some scenes that got corrupted... 

I am very sorry for the super duper delay again.. I know I am not behaving myself as a developer (And to be honest I am not considering myself as one for now) But I would have this finish as soon as possible.. 

That is all and have a Good Day lads...


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First of all, we always appreciate and thankful for giving us this game. Our real life is always takes priority above all and we definitely understand that, you should not be very sorry about prioritizing yourself. 

As software engineer at work, there are times you have to pushback timelines but all you have to do is keep everyone updated / informed - which you already doing but try to lessen the apology part. This is your project, give timeline that will not pressure / beat you and very workable on your end.

Keep your head up and hope things get a lot better on your end. Cheers!

Thank you for the kind words.. and I will try to update as much as possible


While it's unfortunate Ep3 isn't out yet your life should always come first. Easier said than done but try not to beat yourself up over it, life happens regardless of whether we want it to or not.

The important thing is that you took the time to communicate with us about what was going on, that's strides and bounds better than most of the devs I follow! A communicative dev is better than the ones who stays silent and leaves their fans in the dark!

I hope things go by smoothly for you!


Thanks man.. I really am trying to slip my time to posting..I'll make sure to make a change in communicating and posting as much update as I can